import subprocess from random import random from socket import socket, AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM # Steve Ivy # class StatsdClient(object): SC_TIMING = "ms" SC_COUNT = "c" SC_GAUGE = "g" SC_SET = "s" def __init__(self, host='localhost', port=8125): """ Sends statistics to the stats daemon over UDP >>> from python_example import StatsdClient """ self.addr = (host, port) def timing(self, stats, value): """ Log timing information >>> client = StatsdClient() >>> client.timing('example.timing', 500) >>> client.timing(('example.timing23', 'example.timing29'), 500) """ self.update_stats(stats, value, self.SC_TIMING) def gauge(self, stats, value): """ Log gauges >>> client = StatsdClient() >>> client.gauge('example.gauge', 47) >>> client.gauge(('example.gauge41', 'example.gauge43'), 47) """ self.update_stats(stats, value, self.SC_GAUGE) def set(self, stats, value): """ Log set >>> client = StatsdClient() >>> client.set('example.set', "set") >>> client.set(('example.set61', 'example.set67'), "2701") """ self.update_stats(stats, value, self.SC_SET) def increment(self, stats, sample_rate=1): """ Increments one or more stats counters >>> client = StatsdClient() >>> client.increment('example.increment') >>> client.increment('example.increment', 0.5) """ self.count(stats, 1, sample_rate) def decrement(self, stats, sample_rate=1): """ Decrements one or more stats counters >>> client = StatsdClient() >>> client.decrement('example.decrement') """ self.count(stats, -1, sample_rate) def count(self, stats, value, sample_rate=1): """ Updates one or more stats counters by arbitrary value >>> client = StatsdClient() >>> client.count('example.counter', 17) """ self.update_stats(stats, value, self.SC_COUNT, sample_rate) def update_stats(self, stats, value, _type, sample_rate=1): """ Pipeline function that formats data, samples it and passes to send() >>> client = StatsdClient() >>> client.update_stats('example.update_stats', 73, "c", 0.9) """ stats = self.format(stats, value, _type) self.send(self.sample(stats, sample_rate), self.addr) @staticmethod def format(keys, value, _type): """ General format function. >>> StatsdClient.format("example.format", 2, "T") {'example.format': '2|T'} >>> formatted = StatsdClient.format(("example.format31", "example.format37"), "2", "T") >>> formatted['example.format31'] == '2|T' True >>> formatted['example.format37'] == '2|T' True >>> len(formatted) 2 """ data = {} value = "{0}|{1}".format(value, _type) # TODO: Allow any iterable except strings if not isinstance(keys, (list, tuple)): keys = [keys] for key in keys: data[key] = value return data @staticmethod def sample(data, sample_rate): """ Sample data dict TODO(rbtz@): Convert to generator >>> StatsdClient.sample({"example.sample2": "2"}, 1) {'example.sample2': '2'} >>> StatsdClient.sample({"example.sample3": "3"}, 0) {} >>> from random import seed >>> seed(1) >>> sampled = StatsdClient.sample({"example.sample5": "5", "example.sample7": "7"}, 0.99) >>> len(sampled) 2 >>> sampled['example.sample5'] '5|@0.99' >>> sampled['example.sample7'] '7|@0.99' >>> StatsdClient.sample({"example.sample5": "5", "example.sample7": "7"}, 0.01) {} """ if sample_rate >= 1: return data elif sample_rate < 1: if random() <= sample_rate: sampled_data = {} for stat, value in data.items(): sampled_data[stat] = "{0}|@{1}".format(value, sample_rate) return sampled_data return {} @staticmethod def send(_dict, addr): """ Sends key/value pairs via UDP. >>> StatsdClient.send({"example.send":"11|c"}, ("", 8125)) """ # TODO(rbtz@): IPv6 support # TODO(rbtz@): Creating socket on each send is a waste of resources udp_sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM) # TODO(rbtz@): Add batch support for item in _dict.items(): udp_sock.sendto(":".join(item).encode('utf-8'), addr) if __name__ == "__main__": client = StatsdClient() sql = "select table_name, pg_relation_size(quote_ident(table_name)), n_live_tup from information_schema.tables left join pg_stat_user_tables on table_name = relname where table_schema = 'public'" result =["psql", "--no-align", "--command", sql, "mastodon_production"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) lines = result.stdout.decode('utf-8').split("\n")[1:-2] for line in lines: [table, size, rows] = line.split("|") client.gauge('postgres.table_stats.{}.size'.format(table), size or 0) client.gauge('postgres.table_stats.{}.rows'.format(table), rows or 0)